Saturday, April 27, 2013

As You Like It in the Classroom

As You Like It

Themes for Small Groups:
  • Pastoral
  • Deception
  • Poetry
  • Love vs. Infatuation
  • Marriage

Write Ups:
The pastoral setting is prominently featured throughout the play. Can you think of modern examples of this? How does the pastoral work in general and in As You Like It? What is the appeal?

Have you ever pretended to be someone else to get information on/from another person? How did this work for you? How did this work in the play?

Pick a couple from the play and analyze their relationship. Are they actually in love? How can you tell? Use direct quotes/close readings to support your claim.

Fun Resources:
Lego Shakespeare:

Could also have students create their own pastoral and journey to accompany it.

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